This a course about vue and django. Django is very famous for multi-page large scale project. For dynamically data load from a multi-page website's client site vue is the best option. To achieve that to need to use npm. In this course I taught, how to use vue cdn inside django template and achieve single page application's power with multi-page django application.
Learning Topics
Basic of vue:
- Creating a new djagno project and setup basic configuration
- Vue integrating in django template using CDN
- Vue data show in django template
- Vue lifecycle hooks or lifecycle functions
- Vue functions
- Using @click, click event handle
- Using v-model, form data handle
- Vue watch function
- Vue computed functions as variable
- Using v-for, loop data in template
- Api calling using Vue
- Vue and Axios GET request
- Vue and Axios POST request
- Vue and Axios PUT, DELETE request
Vue Component and routing:
- Creating Vue component
- Vue routing different url
Vue state management :
- Vue props
- Vue passing parent to child component
- Disadvantage of props and it's solving teaching
- Advantage of VueX
- VueX integration
- VueX store data
- VueX update data
Vue Chart:
- Vue integrate chartkick
- Chartkick bar chart
- Charkick line chart
- Chartkick pie chart
- Vue integrate Chart js
- Vue chartjs bar chart
- Vue chartjs line chart
Vue utilities:
- Show progress bar when api is calling
- Show dialog box
- Login/signup dialog box
- Generate CSV from json and download file
- Generate PDF and print
Pre Requirements:
- Basic knowledge about django and django rest framework
- Basic knowledge about JavaScript
If you want to create complete single page application, you should use Vue CLI porject and that's not part of this course.