To update record or data UPDATE query is used.
UPDATE table_name
SET column1 = new_value1, column2 = new_value2, column3 = new_value3 ........
WHERE condition
According to this course, we used contact table of account database. First show database's data then update.
SELECT * FROM contact;
Where unfortunately last two rows id is 2. Here, we are seeing that name field are unique. So that we can update id using name.
Using SQL update id = 13 where name = "James":
UPDATE contact
SET id = 13
WHERE name = "James";
Now show again all data from contact table:
SELECT * FROM contact;
Using SQL update id = 14 where name = "Nenson Lio" and mobile number = "017934721":
UPDATE contact
SET id = 14
WHERE name = "Nenson Lio" AND mobile = "017934721";
Now show again all data from contact table:
SELECT * FROM contact;