Introduction to Deque in Data Structure

Last updated: June 9, 2023


deque a powerful tool for various programming and algorithmic challenges. It combines the benefits of both stacks and queues, offering operations to add and remove elements from both the front and back ends. In this article, we will explore the fundamentals of deques, their operations, advantages and use cases of deques etc. We will compare them to other data structures, such as arrays, linked lists, and stacks.


What is Dequeue?

A deque, short for double-ended queue, is a linear data structure that allows elements to be inserted and removed from both ends. The name "dequeue" is short for "double-ended queue," indicating that elements can be added or removed from either the front or the back of the queue. 


Applications of Dequeue:

  1. Breadth-First Search (BFS): Dequeues can be employed in BFS algorithms to efficiently explore graphs or trees. They enable the processing of nodes in a breadth-first manner by adding unvisited neighbors to the back and removing nodes from the front, ensuring a level-by-level traversal.

  2. Undo/Redo Operations: Dequeues are valuable in implementing undo/redo functionality in software applications. Each operation can be stored in the dequeue, allowing for efficient addition and removal of actions from both ends to facilitate undoing or redoing user actions.

  3. Buffering: Dequeues are commonly used in buffering systems, such as network packet buffering or input/output buffering. Incoming packets or data can be added to one end, while processed or transmitted packets are removed from the other, ensuring efficient management and processing of data.

  4. Cache Replacement Policies: Dequeues play a role in cache management, specifically in cache replacement policies like LRU (Least Recently Used). The dequeue can be used to track the order of recently accessed items, allowing efficient removal of the least recently used items from the front.


Types of Dequeue:

    1. Input Restricted Queue: An input-restricted queue, also known as a priority queue or insert-restricted queue, is a type of queue data structure where the insertion of elements is restricted to one end (typically the rear or back), while removal of elements can happen from both ends.

The main characteristic of an input-restricted queue is that it maintains the order of insertion, which means the elements are processed in the same order they were inserted. 

   2.Output Restricted Queue: An output-restricted queue, also known as a remove-restricted queue, is a type of queue data structure where the removal of elements is restricted to one end (typically the front or head), while insertion of elements can happen at both ends. 

In an output-restricted queue, the focus is on efficient removal of elements, typically following a specific priority or condition. Elements can be added at either end of the queue, but removal operations are limited to the restricted end.


Operations of Dequeue:

The following are the operations of a dequeue:

PushFrontInserts an element at the front of the dequeue.
PushBackInserts an element at the back of the dequeue.
PopFrontRemoves and returns the element at the front of the dequeue.
PopBackRemoves and returns the element at the back of the dequeue.
FrontReturns the element at the front of the dequeue without removal.
BackReturns the element at the back of the dequeue without removal.
SizeReturns the number of elements currently in the dequeue.
IsEmptyChecks if the dequeue is empty and returns a Boolean value.
Clear()Removes all elements from the dequeue, making it empty.
Get(index)Returns the element at the specified index without removing it.
Insert(index, element)Inserts an element at the specified index in the dequeue.
Erase(index)Removes the element at the specified index from the dequeue.
Resize(newSize)Changes the size of the dequeue to the specified new size.
Reverse()Reverses the order of elements in the dequeue.


Comparison among Dequeue and other Data Structures:

Here's a comparison between a dequeue (double-ended queue) and other common data structures:

Queue vs. Deque

  • Dequeues and queues both allow for the addition of elements at one end and the removal of elements at the other.
  • A queue only supports operations on one end (enqueue at the back and dequeue at the front), but a dequeue permits elements to be added and deleted from both ends.
  • Dequeues allow for operations like push and pop from both ends and offer greater element management flexibility than queues, which strictly maintain the first-in, first-out (FIFO) order.

Deque versus Stack

  • Although adding and removing components is supported by both dequeues and stacks, their methodologies are different.
  • Element addition and removal from the front or the back are both possible thanks to a dequeue's ability to support operations on both ends.
  • The top of a stack, on the other hand, is the only place from which items can be added or withdrawn since it operates in a last-in, first-out (LIFO) fashion.
  • Stacks are more straightforward and more suited for cases when only one end operation is necessary, whereas dequeues provide greater variety and are appropriate for instances requiring activities on both ends.

Deque vs. Linked List

  • A dequeue can be implemented using a linked list data structure, but not all linked lists can function as deques.
  • Linked lists support dynamic memory allocation and efficient insertion and deletion at arbitrary positions, but they usually lack direct access to both ends.
  • Dequeues, on the other hand, allow constant-time insertion and removal at both ends, offering better performance in scenarios requiring frequent operations at both ends.
  • Linked lists provide more flexibility overall, but deques are specifically designed for efficient double-ended operations.

Array vs. Deque

  • Deques and arrays both allow for random access to their elements, but they operate and behave differently.
  • Arrays normally have fixed sizes and need to be resized in order to accommodate insertions or deletions, whereas dequeues allow for efficient insertion and removal at both ends.
  • Deques enable constant-time insertion and removal at both ends while arrays only offer constant-time access to elements via index.
  • While arrays perform well in instances requiring direct element access and contiguous memory allocation, dequeues are better suited for dynamic scenarios where elements are often added to or withdrawn from both ends.

In conclusion, the article provided an introduction to the deque (double-ended queue) data structure, discussing its operations, types, and advantages. The deque offers the flexibility of adding and removing elements from both ends, distinguishing it from other data structures like queues and stacks. In the upcoming article, implementations of the deque in C++ will be covered.


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